The Sensible Solution was produced on 1/21/07 in State College, PA by: David Joseph Paterno, M.S.Penn State University.
Content and Editorial Contributions made by: Scott D. Barbara; Fred J. Fernsler, A.I.A.; Brad J. Mitchell, B.S. Eng, M.P.P.; Lori Paterno, M.Ed.; Jeffrey J. Smith, M.S.; Eric M. Topp, M.B.A.; and John K. Walmer, PhD.
This report is the result of hard work and dedication of concerned citizens. Without the volunteer help of the contributors and other community members, the “Sensible Solution” would not have been possible. The team also thanks SCASD administrators: Dr. Patrica Best, Ed Poprick, and MaryJenn Dorman for providing necessary district documents for this report.
Special Thanks to Sage Life Technologies for providing In kind resources, office and admin support throughout this project. Sage Life Technologies provides Tele-health systems design and consulting, and is the maker of elderly check in and senior call services, SageMinder Care Calls.